Diet and health tips

Maharishi charak said this in charak sahita. 
(Kal bhojanam arogya karanam.) 
You should always eat at the right time for good health. 

 In our country it is said that food is a
medicine and but it can also act as poison.

Correct time to eat according to Ayurveda. 

 8 am breakfast. 

12 am lunch. 

4 pm evening snacks (optional). 

8 pm dinner. 

Don't worry If you can't follow this time. 

Just remember one thing. there should be a gap of (4 hours )between the time you eat. 

Right way to eat

  • Don't eat more than three or four times in a day including your evening snacks.
  • It will reduce the various kinds of health problems.Like weight gain,constipation, acidity. etc. 
  • So eat food in right time and in a right way.
  • Chew your food at least 25 to 30 times before will also cure the problem of constipation.

Maharishi baagvat
Bhojananthe visham vaari

Drinking water immediately after eating food is Like poison. 

Right way to drink water

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Don't drink water right after and before eating or between eating. Wait 45 minutes. Then drink water.
  • Or you can take a very small sip of water if you want to drink water after eating.
  • U can drink water 50 minutes before eating.
  • Do not drink all the water at once.
  • Drink water very slowly.
  • Your saliva should be mixed in water while drinking. It will also help you in digestion and weight loss.
  • Don't drink water while standing or walking. 

Indian vegetarian diet is the best in the world. It's proven by many scientific studies.
Just reduce oil ,sugar and salt in your diet.

Each and every ingredients which we use in our food is not just for making it tasty.  it also  have the medicinal properties.

The word masala is an arabic word it's not an Indian word.
All the spices used by indians are medicines.

For example the tadka Or chonk
It add more than just a flavour.

The nutrients in turmeric, cumin, mustard seeds and curry leaves holds medicinal properties.  adding these spices to oil or ghee help to unlock their healing properties.

So no need to eat boiled vegetables for three months. Just make some changes in your daily routine and eating habits for losing weight.

We have lots of healthy breakfast options in our country which tastes much better than breakfast cereals and much nutritious than these breakfast cereals.

You don't have to eat oats or any other breakfast cereals for losing weight .
its just a myth that you will lose weight faster if you consume these products.our country and climate is different and we have lots of healthy breakfast recipes.

Next when you purchase๐Ÿ‘›๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ‘ those breakfast cereals just think about it. Do you really need these products for losing weight.
Do you think celebrities are eating those products of multinational companies.

 Our traditional food is much better these breakfast fast cereals.
Its scientifically Proven in ( trust me I am a doctor) a television show on sony bbc earth.)


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We should think about it  when western countries are showing interest in Yoga, why we are wasting our time in gyms.

Next topic:
yoga vs gyms which one is good for our body . 
For indians. 


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