Surya namaskar
The 12 easy steps of surya Namaskar are following :
Step 1: Pranamasana–Prayer pose .
Step 2: Hastauttanasana– Raised arms pose .
Step 3: Hasta Padasana— Hand to foot pose .
Step 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana– Equestrian pose .
Step 5: Parvatasana– Mountain pose .
Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskara– Salute with eight parts or points .
No breathing.
Step 7: Bhujangasana – Cobra pose.
Step 8: Parvatasana– Mountain pose .
Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana– Equestrian pose.
Step 10: Hasta Padasana– Hand to foot pose – .
Step 11: Hastauttanasana– Raised Arms Pose.
Step 12: Pranamasana– prayer pose.
Normal restful breathing.
Benefits of surya namaskar :
- Its a Full body workout which can be done with in 10 you can't make a excuse of time.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Beneficial in blood pressure and heart problems.
- Helps in digestion.
- Enhances fitness and flexibility.
- Healthy lower and upper body.
- The practice of surya namaskar at the direction of sunrise at the morning helps to maintain optimal vitamin D.
- Helps in weight loss.
- Increase height.
- Increase muscular strength and stamina.
- Beneficial in cough and breathing problems.
- Drink a glass of water at the morning.(with lemon or honey is optional).
- U can also drink luke warm water.For cleaning your stomach properly.
- Practice surya namaskar in an empty stomach.
- Learn the movements very slowly for few days. For avoiding pain or cramps.
- Practice surya namaskar with correct breathing.
- Don't eat anything before the yoga practice at the morning. dont drink water 30 minutes before the yoga practice.
- Morning is the best time for workouts.because it burns the fat whole day. And keeps you energetic.
- Don't bath right after yoga practice or workouts wait at least 20 minutes. Let your body to cool down.
- Don't bath in a very cold or very hot water.
- Don't practice surya namaskar at the afternoon. It's the worst time for workouts or yoga practice.Because the temperature is high at afternoon.
- While practicing surya namaskar at home open the windows for sunlight and air. Don't practice surya namaskar in a closed rooms like gyms.your body needs more oxygen while workouts.
- For those who have back pain cunsult your doctor before starting yoga or any workouts. and if you feel pain then please stop the exercise immediately.
Don't hesitant to make surya namaskar a part of your daily routine, try this to getting use to it
Exercise with your friend or family.
You are more likely to stick to a routine when you have a partner with you.
Set goals
Start small and set goals so that you can track your improvement.
Stick to your schedule: don't skip.
Focus on eating a healthy diet
Add whole grains, fruits and vegetables and cut refined sugar and fat from your daily diet.
Increase Physical activity
Combining daily physical activity along with a healthy diet is the only healthy and sustainable way to lose weight.
(Reduce the use of vehicles for traveling use cycles or walk if possible.)
(Take a vegetarian diet while losing weight for better results) 🌞🙏🌞
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