
Diet and health tips

Maharishi charak said this in charak sahita.  (Kal bhojanam arogya karanam.)  Meaning: You should always eat at the right time for good health.   In our country it is said that food is a medicine and but it can also act as poison. Correct time to eat according to Ayurveda.   8 am breakfast.  12 am lunch.  4 pm evening snacks (optional).  8 pm dinner.  Don't worry If you can't follow this time.  Just remember one thing. there should be a gap of (4 hours )between the time you eat.  Right way to eat Don't eat more than three or four times in a day including your evening snacks. It will reduce the various kinds of health problems.Like weight gain,constipation, acidity. etc.  So eat food in right time and in a right way. Chew your food at least 25 to 30 times before will also cure the problem of constipation. Maharishi baagvat Bhojananthe visham vaari Drinking water immediately af...

Surya namaskar

The 12 easy steps of surya Namaskar are following : Step 1: Pranamasana–Prayer pose . Normal restful breathing. Step 2: Hastauttanasana– Raised arms pose . Inhale. Step 3: Hasta Padasana— Hand to foot pose . Exhale. Step 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana– Equestrian pose . Inhale. Step 5: Parvatasana– Mountain pose . Exhale. Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskara– Salute with eight parts or points . No breathing. Step 7: Bhujangasana – Cobra pose. Inhale. Step 8: Parvatasana– Mountain pose . Exhale. Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana– Equestrian pose. Inhale. Step 10: Hasta Padasana– Hand to foot pose – . Exhale. Step 11: Hastauttanasana– Raised Arms Pose. Inhale. Step 12: Pranamasana– prayer pose. Normal restful breathing. Benefits of surya namaskar : Its a Full body workout which can be done with  in 10 you can't make a excuse of time.  Improves blood circulation.  Beneficial in blood pressure and heart problems...