
Showing posts from July, 2019

Diet and health tips

Maharishi charak said this in charak sahita.  (Kal bhojanam arogya karanam.)  Meaning: You should always eat at the right time for good health.   In our country it is said that food is a medicine and but it can also act as poison. Correct time to eat according to Ayurveda.   8 am breakfast.  12 am lunch.  4 pm evening snacks (optional).  8 pm dinner.  Don't worry If you can't follow this time.  Just remember one thing. there should be a gap of (4 hours )between the time you eat.  Right way to eat Don't eat more than three or four times in a day including your evening snacks. It will reduce the various kinds of health problems.Like weight gain,constipation, acidity. etc.  So eat food in right time and in a right way. Chew your food at least 25 to 30 times before will also cure the problem of constipation. Maharishi baagvat Bhojananthe visham vaari Drinking water immediately af...